Branch Secretary: Phil Camamile
Telephone: 01553 819600
Address: Kettlewell House, Austin Fields Industrial Estate, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1PH
Branch Chairman: Duncan Worth
Branch Vice Chairman: Brian Long
Note: The Welland & Nene Branch and Lincolnshire Branch share meetings, but hold separate AGMs once per year.
17th October – Joint Branch meeting
23rd February – Joint Branch meeting
23rd February – AGM & Joint Branch meeting | 20th July – Joint Branch meeting
18th February – AGM & Joint Branch meeting | 2nd December – Joint Branch meeting
19th February | 29th April (AGM) | 21st October
21 February (AGM) | 21 February
18 October | 19 July | 20 February (AGM) | 20 February
19 October | 13 July | 15 February (AGM) | 15 February
20 October | 14 July | 28 April (AGM) | 18 February
Cymru (Wales) | Eastern | Great Ouse | Lincolnshire | Marches | Northern | South East | South West | Trent | Welland & Nene