ADA Lincolnshire publishes ‘Quick Wins for Biodiversity’

ADA Lincolnshire publishes ‘Quick Wins for Biodiversity’

Over the past year, the Environment Committee of ADA’s Lincolnshire Branch has been developing a ‘Quick Wins for Biodiversity Manual’.

Download the new manual HEREThis guide is designed for members of the Branch who are looking to implement effective, low cost environmental enhancements to watercourses and drainage infrastructure across the county in order to help to fulfil their Biodiversity Action Plan targets. The ideas presented could equally be implemented by other flood risk management



as well to enhance their biodiversity delivery. The guide includes a range of techniques and ideas from channel


maintenance to actions for specific species, complimenting other guides available.

In the forward to the manual, Peter Lundgren, Chairman of the Environment Committee wrote: ‘The challenge for all engaged in the management of our watercourses is to deliver the core service of efficient drainage and flood alleviation whilst also providing habitat for the flora and fauna that share our watercourses – and increasingly importantly, being able to demonstrate the delivery of environmental benefits alongside efficient watercourse management.

‘Across our region, we have a huge divergence of landscape and watercourse types, from the chalk streams on the edge of the limestone ridge to the man-made arterial drainage system in the Fens. These watercourses can, and do, support a surprisingly complex natural environment in an intensively farmed landscape.

‘Efficient drainage and environmental enhancement do not have to be mutually exclusive; and it’s been a privilege to spend time with drainage board managers who demonstrate this change in mindset that allows for mutually inclusive environmental enhancement, whilst delivering the core role of moving water efficiently and safely.’

The intention is for the manual to be a living document and will, over time, be enhanced with new examples of innovative environmental enhancements and best practice taking place in Lincolnshire.

ADA is pleased to be able to publish this new Manual on the ADA website alongside other environmental guides and tools on our Key Topics: Environment page.