Updated Practitioners’ Guide on governance & accountability published

On 27 February 2017, Joint Practitioners Advisory Group (JPAG) approved some modest amendments to the wording of Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England, often referred to as the Practitioners’ Guide. The content is not greatly changed, but some of the explanations in part five have been made clearer.

The 2017 edition of the guide applies to the statutory reporting of the financial year 2017/18. However, JPAG has authorised the early adoption of the guide for 2016/17 on a voluntary basis. The decision whether to do so will rest with individual smaller authorities.

ADA appoints Phil Camamile, Chief Executive, Water Management Alliance to represent the interests of internal drainage boards on JPAG.

You can download the March 2017 version of the Practitioners’ Guide from the Governance and accountability for IDBs section of the ADA website.