Defra Research Project – IDB Board Membership

Defra Research Project – IDB Board Membership

Defra has recently commissioned CAG Consultants to undertake a research project over the next few months, which will consider the Board Membership on Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs).

In particular, this research aims to assess local authorities’ role on the Board of IDBs and how they can support greater IDB accountability in appointing Board Members. It will also consider the factors that influence IDB governance, including issues such as the engagement of members, and diversity of the Board.

CAG Consultants will shortly be undertaking an online survey of all IDBs. This survey should only take around 15 minutes to complete. Following the survey CAG Consultants will carry out a series of telephone interviews with the board members of around 15 IDBs with the intention of producing some case studies to help demonstrate the various make-up of boards. Responses will be kept anonymous and individuals will not be named in any reporting.

It is hoped that this project will help IDBs in establishing and maintaining a wide Board membership, ensuring that appropriate members are appointed. We should be very grateful for your support by participating in the survey, so we achieve a good evidence base. Defra will be working closely with ADA in the development of this project.